Code of Conduct - RuneAxiom
Code of Conduct

Rule 1 - Spamming
[Show Rule]

Rule 2 - Text abuse
[Show Rule]

Rule 3 - Trolling and flaming
[Show Rule]

Rule 4 - Memes and fads
[Show Rule]

Rule 5 - Duplicate threads
[Show Rule]

Rule 6 - Stay on topic
[Show Rule]

Rule 7 - Harassment or defamatory posting
[Show Rule]

Rule 8 - Thread hijacking
[Show Rule]

Rule 9 - Intolerance of Sexual preference
[Show Rule]

Rule 10 - Racism
[Show Rule]

Rule 11 - Nationalism
[Show Rule]

Rule 12 - Sexism
[Show Rule]

Rule 13 - Religious, political or otherwise sensitive discussion
[Show Rule]

Rule 14 - Profane or vulgar posting
[Show Rule]

Rule 15 - Discussion of moderators or disciplinary actions
[Show Rule]

Rule 16 - Circumventing mute or ban
[Show Rule]

Rule 17 - Real life information
[Show Rule]

Rule 18 - Real-life threats
[Show Rule]

Rule 19 - Releasing confidential information
[Show Rule]

Rule 20 - Advertising and Links
[Show Rule]

Rule 21 - Real-world trading
[Show Rule]

Rule 22 - Impersonating moderators
[Show Rule]

Rule 23 - Drugs and illegal activities
[Show Rule]

Rule 24 - Catch-all
[Show Rule]

Rule 25 - Signature Abuse
[Show Rule]